I very much liked The Mirror Empire. Characters are well-rounded and likeable. The story feels epic and the plot is one I haven’t seen before.

On the downside, I never managed to get over the overcomplicated character names which made the entire read-through quite frustrating and, at times, hard to follow.

The world building is solid, albeit confusing at times, most noticebly at the start. The different races / cultures are nicely balanced. I especially liked the whole thing with the 3 different genders and 5 pronouns to refer to gender. Although I don’t feel that this adds much to the story by itself, it is nice that the author went outside of the ‘box’ on this one. The completely surrealistic take on fauna & flora feels like a natural extension of the same out-of-the-box thinking. Again though, this tends to get confusing at times if you use real world names for made-up creatures (e.g Tame bears with yellow snake eyes and purple forked thongues that are used as horses).

The writing is solid and pleasant.

One thing that did strike me as odd, is the complete 180 that Liliah makes when Zezili takes her to the mirror world, I'm not sure how I feel about that. It doesn't feel 'right' for the character. Where does all that confidence come from??

4 stars for a book I very much liked.

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